Tuesday 31 March 2015

Socials 10-4: The Métis Move to Resistance

Today we looked at the conditions that led the Métis to begin their resistance to the Canadian government's "incursions" in their territory. We introduced the idea that while the Métis social structure and government was "different" than that of the Europeans, it had a definite and purposeful structure nonetheless. For example, we talked of the importance of the role of the bison hunt captain and how the rules of the hunt were organized to increase the chance of success (for the whole group). We also discussed how punishments in one culture, might seem odd in another. I used the example of contemporary Canadian Forces punishments (specifically a dishonourable release/discharge) as an example of how the Métis tradition of shaming a thief could be seen to have some modern parallels.

Next, we read pp. 158-161 in the text (just the text on the white pages). I asked that you record three bullet points showing things you learned and two questions that you still wonder about. We ended the lesson by watching "If We are Rebels" from The People's History. It introduced us to Louis Riel and the reception the Métis gave to the surveyors, including the "capture" of Fort Garry at the start of the Red River Resistance.

If you have completed today's reading there is no homework.

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