Wednesday 22 January 2014

Socials 8-2: Castle Design Project: Day 1

Today we started by sharing some of our viewing observations/notes from the Castles video we started last class.  Then we finished the video and shared some more observations.  Afterwords, we summarized some of the key considerations that would have to be acknowledged if we were going to build our own castle.  Here are our notes:

Next, I gave a quick tutorial on Google Earth (before we realized that the laptops don't have Google Earth loaded on them).  So, we switched to Google Maps.  In pairs, I asked that students use the rest of the class to research a location (in Canada) and to print a copy of the map.  You should be able to tell what it is about the location that you found that suggests it would be a good place for a castle to be built (remember their should be a strategic reason as well as the need to meet the type of considerations we came up with under the heading "Site" on the board notes).

Please come to class on Monday with a copy of the map showing your castle's proposed location.  We will use Monday's class to design the castles.  Enjoy your weekend.

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