Monday 9 September 2013

Socials 8-2 Monday

Today I introduced the class to the blog.  I also spent some time discussing how it can be used.  Don't be shy to e-mail me questions (that goes for your parents, too).  You may also e-mail me assignments when that time comes.

Today we did a quick review of the key "lines" on the globe and then we practiced finding latitude and longitude using Google Earth.  This involved some estimation and that can be challenging.  We also learned a new term "gazetteer" (the index with geographic coordinates - lat/long - found at the back of the atlas).

There is no homework today, but you should expect a quiz (on the information on today's review of the  globe) next class.

Here are some notes for your records:

Today's review


  1. I learned how to find any place on a map.

  2. I learned about the prime meridian and the equater.

  3. I learned how to find places using longitude and latitude.
