Friday 29 November 2013

Socials 8-1/8-3 Looking at doodling and sketchnoting as a way of thinking

Today we switched gears a bit from the concentrated work that we've been engaged in for the past week.  I wanted to give everyone a break but also to introduce them to sketchnoting,  a technique that I've been investigating for the past year.

We began with the six-minute Sunni Brown TED Talk from a couple of years ago.  Here is the link: TED Talk

Next, we looked at the evolution of my work and I introduced the idea of "beta testing" (the idea of releasing something that isn't perfect so that it can be used by others in order to gain their insights).  In school, we often leave students with the idea that their work has to be perfect every time and because of that, many are afraid to take risks, preferring to play it safe rather than to chance failure.  Today I encouraged them to realize that stumbling is necessary and good and a positive part of learning (I used samples of my early practice with my iPad drawing app - Paper by 53 - as an example).

We looked at ways to create images (metaphors?)
and how to alter text to tell a story
I then gave some instruction in creating a personal font style and illustrated ways to "draw" people in a sketchnote (everyone loves "star people").  We had a bit of time to practice, but all too soon, the class was over.

Please remember that your Saxon poster projects are due on Tuesday (ensure you're one of the cool kids who hands it in on time).  Have a great weekend.

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