We opened by reviewing the beginning if Friday's PPT discussion on the League. We finished by reviewing some reasons the US public would not support joining the League. We also examined some political cartoons and associated with the League and discussed things such as tone, metaphor, labels, parody, and caricature. Next, we watched the video "Make Germany Pay" and completed a study sheet together. We ran out of time to complete the last activity, but here is the link to the Google Doc we'll use tomorrow to share ideas about the post-First World War security events:
Post-WW1 Security Google Doc
In your groups, please complete each table as accurately and completely as you can. They are as follows:
Treaty of Versailles
Formation of the League
Occupation of the Ruhr
Maginot Line
Invasion of Manchuria
Invasion of Ethiopia
Here are the groups for the Google-doc |
Tomorrow we will review for the test.
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