Today we started by reading pp 31-34 from the Howarth text. I asked that you underline key points and /or make marginal notes. Next we had a PPT discussion on the events of 1917. The PPT can be accessed on Slideshare. Afterwards, we debriefed DeMarco Ex 3-5. I meant to get you to answer Ex 15 from the Falk book, but I forgot. Finally, read the Pipes article for homework and don't forget to write a brief bio of the Bolshevik that you chose and be ready to share on Monday.
We had a mandatory tutorial at 3:10 for students wishing to write Monday's 1919 test re-write.
This blog is designed to allow students access to lesson notes, summaries and other material from Mr. Marshall's classes at Chatelech Secondary School on the Sunshine Coast of B.C.
Friday, 28 February 2014
History 12-1: The March and November Revolution
Socials 8-2: Middle Ages Unit Test
Today we wrote our Middle Ages unit test. Afterwards, we did a review of the world map labelling the main land and water features and the main lines of latitude. There is no homework.
Socials 10-3: Debriefing the Riel Resistance Google Doc
Today we started with a visit by Mr. Smith regarding your course selection. We spent the rest of the block debriefing the Google Doc we constructed last class. I was pleased with the way students were able to speak to their topics without just "reading" from the screen. This ability to "paraphrase" is an important skill that we'll be developing for the rest of the course. I asked students to take some brief notes from today's discussion because we'll take what we did today and work it into a summary paragraph next class.
If you are still missing any of the sketchnotes please have them in by next class at the latest.
Other than that, there is no homework: enjoy the sun.
If you are still missing any of the sketchnotes please have them in by next class at the latest.
Other than that, there is no homework: enjoy the sun.
Thursday, 27 February 2014
History 12-1: Getting ready for the March Revolution
Today we started by debriefing the 1919 unit test. I thought that you did well on the what/so-what page: that is difficult for most people to do at the beginning of the course. Next, we did a short activity to organize a timeline of the events we've studied to date. Next we used a PPT to discuss the landscape of the Russian political landscape in the first twenty years of the century.
write a response to either #2 or #3 from that worksheet. Also, please read DeMarco pp 40-44 and complete notes for Ex 3-5.
We'll have our retest tutorial tomorrow at 3:10
and we'll have the retest on Monday at 3:10.
write a response to either #2 or #3 from that worksheet. Also, please read DeMarco pp 40-44 and complete notes for Ex 3-5.
We'll have our retest tutorial tomorrow at 3:10
and we'll have the retest on Monday at 3:10.
Socials 10-2: Discussing Riel's Resistance
Today we reconnected with last class's Google Doc to discuss the elements of the Resistance. I also began a lesson on paragraph writing. That is where we'll continue next class. I plan to use the Google Doc as a reference to write our first piece. If you have not returned your Canoe/York boat sketchnote and your Road to Resistance sketch note, please be ready to do so next class.
Socials 8-1
Today we wrote our Middle Ages unit test. Afterwards, we did a review of the world map labelling the main land and water features and the main lines of latitude. There is no homework.
Wednesday, 26 February 2014
Socials 8-2: Last review and test prep.
Today, Ms. Wagner facilitated a round-robin group sharing of the review artifact sheets that we've worked on last class. Thank you to the group "experts" who stayed at their tables with the artifacts to facilitate the reviews. I was disappointed with the lack of seriousness that some students brought to this activity; however, the majority were attentive and respectful of the peer experts who led the study groups.
Next, Ms. Wagner and I participated in a discussion to ensure that students were aware of the test format and knew what "diagrams" there were going to have to complete in addition to the multiple choice objective questions. Please see last Friday's Socials 8 blog post for copies of the yellow board notes we created. Your test will be this Friday.
Next, Ms. Wagner and I participated in a discussion to ensure that students were aware of the test format and knew what "diagrams" there were going to have to complete in addition to the multiple choice objective questions. Please see last Friday's Socials 8 blog post for copies of the yellow board notes we created. Your test will be this Friday.
History 12-1: Intro to Russia
Today Ms. Wagner debriefed the DeMarco questions from Ex 1-2 and then assigned Falk's Ex 13. Please have that done for tomorrow's class - I'm most interested in you having the definitions to those terms completed).
Next, I led a discussion on Russian history from the emancipation of the serfs in 1862 to the issuing of the Fundamental Laws of 1906. Tomorrow we'll look at the laws and the way they were applied, as well as the political landscape of pre-revolutionary Russia. There is no reading homework for tonight.

Next, I led a discussion on Russian history from the emancipation of the serfs in 1862 to the issuing of the Fundamental Laws of 1906. Tomorrow we'll look at the laws and the way they were applied, as well as the political landscape of pre-revolutionary Russia. There is no reading homework for tonight.

Socials 10-3: Riel Resistance Google Doc Activity
Today we worked collaboratively to gather research on the Riel Resistance of 1870; here is a link to the Google Doc. I was pleased with the way the bit of silly behaviour on the computers quickly ended and people got to their work. I think we'll be able to use this learning model in the future to save ourselves time and effort.
Please remember to check the last couple of SS10-3 blog posts to learn what to do around the Red River Resistance sketchnote assignment that I'd like handed in next class. Contact me if you are still unclear on any of the details.
Please remember to check the last couple of SS10-3 blog posts to learn what to do around the Red River Resistance sketchnote assignment that I'd like handed in next class. Contact me if you are still unclear on any of the details.
Tuesday, 25 February 2014
History 12-1: Intro to Marxism
Today we debriefed the exam policies. Those who missed the test yesterday due to a variety of circumstances my write tomorrow at 3:10. Remember that you may rewrite any test, but in order to do that you must attend the first sitting, attend a mandatory review session and accept the second mark, even if it's lower than the first (that rarely happens anyway).
Next, I shared a funny (okay, it's supposed to be funny) story to introduce the idea of the right wing vs. the left. We then had a discussion about Marx and Marxism. I issued a reading from Pipes' Communism, A History and asked you to come to class with it read (and with notes in the margin showing your thoughts/observations - I've given you some of mine to get you started). Finally, I asked that you read pp. 37-40 in DeMarco, and complete the brief notes for the questions in Ex 1-2.
Remember: test tomorrow at 3:10.
Next, I shared a funny (okay, it's supposed to be funny) story to introduce the idea of the right wing vs. the left. We then had a discussion about Marx and Marxism. I issued a reading from Pipes' Communism, A History and asked you to come to class with it read (and with notes in the margin showing your thoughts/observations - I've given you some of mine to get you started). Finally, I asked that you read pp. 37-40 in DeMarco, and complete the brief notes for the questions in Ex 1-2.
Remember: test tomorrow at 3:10.
Socials 8-1/8-3: Test and test prep.
Today in H Block, Socials 8-3 wrote their unit test and then worked on a review of world geography (oceans, seas, continents and major lines of latitude). Next day they will start a mini-unit on Japanese feudalism with Ms. Wagner, a teacher who is upgrading her teaching credentials and who will be working with us for the next three weeks.
At the end of the day, Socials 8-1 did a round-robin review of their group review artifacts and then collaborated in a group review on the board. Please check the earlier posts to see board notes for the test review, including the test format: ensure you know the society pyramid, can sketch a manor and its parts, and a castle and its parts.
Here are the notes from today:
At the end of the day, Socials 8-1 did a round-robin review of their group review artifacts and then collaborated in a group review on the board. Please check the earlier posts to see board notes for the test review, including the test format: ensure you know the society pyramid, can sketch a manor and its parts, and a castle and its parts.
Here are the notes from today:
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Don't just use these, visit earlier posts (Friday, Feb 21) to see everything. |
Socials 10-2: Riel Google Doc Activity
Today we did some collaborative research on the Riel Resistance of 1870. Here is a link to the Google Doc. There were one or two people who had difficulty staying on task, but the rest of the class was focussed and successful; I was pleased with this first attempt at collaborative work on Google Docs. If you were unable to get done, please do so at home.
Monday, 24 February 2014
History 12-1: Test Notice
Please be advised that we will write the 1919 unit test today. If you are not here to write it, you will have to do so after school; unfortunately, we can't miss too many class blocks or we'll run out of time to complete all we need to complete in this course. I will be starting the Russia unit tomorrow.
Socials 10-3: Red River Resistance research and sketchnote
If you missed class today, it is your responsibility to come to
our next class with your readings and notes completed: we
will not be using class time to catch up.
We started by reading pp 148-149 (text) which dealt with he merger of the two fur trade companies; although the NW Co had more shares initially, the HBC still ultimately came out on top. We created some brief notes in our notebooks and then made a comment at the bottom of this post.
Next, we read some timeline info about the Red River Resistance at the "How Stuff Works" website here. The website gives a simple overview that will allow you to create a timeline (sketchnote, I hope) of the events that led up to and were included in this first "rebellion."
our next class with your readings and notes completed: we
will not be using class time to catch up.
We started by reading pp 148-149 (text) which dealt with he merger of the two fur trade companies; although the NW Co had more shares initially, the HBC still ultimately came out on top. We created some brief notes in our notebooks and then made a comment at the bottom of this post.
Next, we read some timeline info about the Red River Resistance at the "How Stuff Works" website here. The website gives a simple overview that will allow you to create a timeline (sketchnote, I hope) of the events that led up to and were included in this first "rebellion."
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If you create a sketchnote, the metaphor of "the road that led to the events" might be useful; this will get you started. |
Since the class was so small today, I chose to stop the lesson a bit early. Students spent the rest of the block composing their sketchnotes. Next class we will fill out Ex 14 to review the fur trade and then see a clip from the National Film Board (NFB) documentary Cree Hunters of Mistassini from the 1970s that demonstrates the way the Cree people of James Bay Quebec live(d). Again, you will be able to here an aboriginal language and also learn some of the processes that would have been used during the fur trade. Here is a link to the documantary
Friday, 21 February 2014
Socials 8-1/8-3: Day 2 of 2 Test Prep.
Today we finished our test prep. We started with groups tidying up their study guides and then we shared info and Mr. Marshall recorded notes on the board. Students in 8-3 will write their test on Tuesday. Students in 8-1 lost time due to the hockey game (Go Canada Go) and will need a bit more time to share info before they write the test on Thursday.
Socials 10-2: The Merger of the fur companies; the Metis
We started by reading pp 147-150 which dealt with he merger of the two fur trade companies; although the NW Co had more shares initially, the HBC still ultimately came out on top. We created some brief notes in our notebooks and then made a comment at the bottom of this post.
Next we read some timeline info about the Red River Resistance at the "How Stuff Works" website here. The website gives a simple overview that will allow you to create a timeline (sketchnote, I hope) of the events that led up to and were included in this first "rebellion."
Next we read some timeline info about the Red River Resistance at the "How Stuff Works" website here. The website gives a simple overview that will allow you to create a timeline (sketchnote, I hope) of the events that led up to and were included in this first "rebellion."
![]() |
If you create a sketchnote, the metaphor of "the road that led to the events" might be useful; this will get you started. |
We also filled out Ex 14 to review the fur trade and then I showed a short video that demonstrated the way the Cree people of James Bay Quebec tan moose hide. This gives you an idea of what the Cree language sounds like and also some of the processes that would have been used during the fur trade. Here is a link to the video.
Please come to class with your timeline completed. Also, please ensure you remember your text for every class.
History 12-1: Go Canada Go: and a teaser for the next unit
Is it bad luck to put gold around the heart? |
Keith Hughes history video
Remember to study hard - a good mark is easy to keep but hard to make up.
Thursday, 20 February 2014
History 12-1: 1919 wrap up and test prep
Today we started by looking at a few more political cartoons to see how we can systematically interpret them. I thought that by the last example you were all being insightful and probing in your interpretations. Remember to slow down and think about all of the parts and all of the cues before you try to write.
Next, we looked at one another's sketch notes. All of them had creative elements and you did well trying to incorporate the different design tricks that we examined in our "lesson" yesterday. I hope you see how this process, while time consuming, is a good way to deepen your understanding and memory on any topic.
Next we watched the video Make Germany Pay and collaboratively answered Falk's Ex 11. I created a timeline (similar to the one that will be on the unit test) and made connections to the two sketchnotes I posted yesterday to highlight the key ideas you should study for the test. Remember that #1-16 on page 2 of the workbook are the terms on the what/so-what page of the test (you can include "reparations" "Maginot Line" "Polish Corridor" and "League of Nations"). The paragraph prompt on the test is: Evaluate the outcomes of the 1919 Treaty of Versailles.
Today we started by looking at a few more political cartoons to see how we can systematically interpret them. I thought that by the last example you were all being insightful and probing in your interpretations. Remember to slow down and think about all of the parts and all of the cues before you try to write.
Next, we looked at one another's sketch notes. All of them had creative elements and you did well trying to incorporate the different design tricks that we examined in our "lesson" yesterday. I hope you see how this process, while time consuming, is a good way to deepen your understanding and memory on any topic.
Next we watched the video Make Germany Pay and collaboratively answered Falk's Ex 11. I created a timeline (similar to the one that will be on the unit test) and made connections to the two sketchnotes I posted yesterday to highlight the key ideas you should study for the test. Remember that #1-16 on page 2 of the workbook are the terms on the what/so-what page of the test (you can include "reparations" "Maginot Line" "Polish Corridor" and "League of Nations"). The paragraph prompt on the test is: Evaluate the outcomes of the 1919 Treaty of Versailles.
History 10: Sketchnoting practice
Today I did a quick review of the techniques that I taught last class and then we spent some time creating our first sketchnotes. I thought you did well. Some students were unsatisfied with their work but it is important to remember that this is a type of thinking you haven't had much experience with and it takes practice to "see" the imagery in your mind as you think about these concepts. I promise that is will get easier. If you were unable to finish in class please take a few minutes to do so before we meet next.
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Some notes from today's lesson. Not as pretty as the iPad, but you get the idea. |
Socials 8-1/8-3: Middle Ages Test Prep
Today we broke into groups to create study reference sheets for each of the sub-topics in this unit. We will finish up the prep tomorrow and write our test on Tuesday. Thanks for your good work today: I was pleased with the collaboration and sense of team that was evident.
Wednesday, 19 February 2014
Socials 8-2: High Middle Ages Test Prep/Review Day 1 of 2.
Today we broke into groups and summarized one aspect of the past unit that spanned from William the Conqueror to the Crusades. Next class we'll finish up, jig-saw (share what we did with the other groups) and then go over the format for Wednesday's unit test. There is no homework except to start reviewing for the test on your own.
Socials 10-3: Intro to sketchnoting
Today most of the class was away for the outdoor ed trip so we watched the Sunni Brown TED Talk on doodling and then I shared some tips and tricks for creating this form of "dual-coding" information. I think it is a good way to encourage creative and critical thought in school and I find it a refreshing way for students in socials studies courses to share their learning. There is no homework except for those who fish to "finish" their practice sketchnote.
History 12-1: Sketchnoting practice
An earlier sketchnote on Paper53 to help with exam prep. |
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Today's effort: not as much fun as Paper53 on the iPad, but much faster to create w/o the need to use the zoom feature. |
Tomorrow we'll finish up the unit and prep for Friday's unit test.
Tuesday, 18 February 2014
History 12-1: Powerpoint basics and intro to sketchnoting
Today I reviewed so basic design skills in PPT. Specifically, I demonstrated how to create a "floating" "table of contents" text box at the top of the slides. I also discussed slide backgrounds and techniques to add interest while still allowing for easy reading. We talked about "dead space," limiting text, animations and font selections.
Next we watched Sunni Brown's TED Talk on doodling. We then practiced some basic sketchnoting skills. We'll carry on with that tomorrow as well as wrapping up the Paris 1919 content, including the League of Nations. You should expect your first unit test on Friday.
Next we watched Sunni Brown's TED Talk on doodling. We then practiced some basic sketchnoting skills. We'll carry on with that tomorrow as well as wrapping up the Paris 1919 content, including the League of Nations. You should expect your first unit test on Friday.
Socials 10-2: finishing HBC plans and intro to sketchnoting
Today we used the laptops to complete our HBC business plans (including an "ad" poster 8.5X11" and a Word document with mini-paragraphs outlining our ideas to complete with the NW Co).
Next, we watched the Sunni Brown TED Talk on doodling and then learned some basic sketchnoting skills. This will allow us to show our learning and display our creativity in new ways as the course moves forward. We'll carry on with that next class and then examine the events surrounding the Red River conflict of 1869-70. There is no homework unless you did not hand in your HBC work.
Next, we watched the Sunni Brown TED Talk on doodling and then learned some basic sketchnoting skills. This will allow us to show our learning and display our creativity in new ways as the course moves forward. We'll carry on with that next class and then examine the events surrounding the Red River conflict of 1869-70. There is no homework unless you did not hand in your HBC work.
Socials 8-1/8-3 Magna Carta
Today's classes followed the same script as yesterday's SS 8-2 block. Please complete your classroom "magna cartas" for homework if you were unable to do so in class. We'll share at the start of next class.
Monday, 17 February 2014
Socials 8-2: Magna Carta
Today I returned the castle design projects. The marks were generally 75% or higher. Some students have not yet returned this assignment and getting that done is a priority.
We also completed a study guide on King John and the Magna Carta. We discussed this step in beginning the process that ended autocratic rule (eventually) and established the conditions for parliamentary democracy (and the preservation of the Crown). We also watched this video and then made some connections between the Magna Carta and our own Charter of Rights and Freedoms. You should complete the study guide at home if you were unable to do so in class. We'll share our classroom "Magna Cartas" at the beginning of next class.
We also completed a study guide on King John and the Magna Carta. We discussed this step in beginning the process that ended autocratic rule (eventually) and established the conditions for parliamentary democracy (and the preservation of the Crown). We also watched this video and then made some connections between the Magna Carta and our own Charter of Rights and Freedoms. You should complete the study guide at home if you were unable to do so in class. We'll share our classroom "Magna Cartas" at the beginning of next class.
History 12-1: The League of Nations
On Friday and today we examined the League of Nations and discussed the Treaty of Versailles (the PPT is available on SlideShare). Today I returned the paragraphs written on the the Paris 1919 talks. I was very satisfied with the progress you've made. I would say yours is a very "teachable" group in that I can see students employing the tips and tricks we discuss to improve both the argument and style in these pieces. We just started to look at some political cartoons at the end of class. Interpreting these cartoons is a "bread and butter" staple skill in History 12. There is no reading homework tonight. But the two students who owe a paragraph should get those in tomorrow.
Socials 10-3: Finishing the HBC business plans; Mistissini Cree tanning moose hide
Today we spent the bulk of our class finishing the business plans we started last class. As people finished, I asked then to start to read the next section in the text. I recognize that many of you will miss the next class because of the Manning trip, but we'll come to class on Friday having read pp. 148-160. This will allow us to have some background as we prepare to discuss the Red River events of 1869-70.
We ended today's class by watching a short five-minute video demonstrating the techniques used by the Cree to tan moose hide. I lived in Mistissini for the first four years of my teaching career, so I recognize the landscape and the people well. I was fortunate enough to see this process many times. The video gives a small window into the traditional culture, but also traditional gender roles: Tanning
On Wednesday we'll watch some of this documentary: Cree Hunters of Mistissini
We ended today's class by watching a short five-minute video demonstrating the techniques used by the Cree to tan moose hide. I lived in Mistissini for the first four years of my teaching career, so I recognize the landscape and the people well. I was fortunate enough to see this process many times. The video gives a small window into the traditional culture, but also traditional gender roles: Tanning
On Wednesday we'll watch some of this documentary: Cree Hunters of Mistissini
Thursday, 13 February 2014
Socials 10-2: HBC Business Design, Day 2 of 3
Today we had the computer cart and work in our groups to work on our ad campaigns (posters) and explanation sheets (paragraphs). We will have one more class block to wrap up this assignment and then we'll move on to the Metis and the Red River Rebellion.
History 12-1: Treaty of Versailles and the Big 3
Today we began by debriefing Ex 4 and 5 from DeMarco, pp 33-36. We then had a PPT discussion on the leaders at the Paris Peace Talks in 1919. I identified them as "the realist," "the pragmatist," "the idealist," and, "the indignant." I asked that you compose a paragraph to identify the the views of these leaders and discuss the reasons they were held. All of your readings and exercises to-date should be considered useful in preparing this piece; you may e-mail me your finished work PLEASE DOUBLE-SPACE. Here is the prompt for that paragraph:
Next, I went over Falk's Ex 5a that describes the different considerations that should be considered when examining primary and secondary sources. I also issued Ex 5b, a practice on evidence concerning the Treaty of Versailles, and asked that it be ready for debriefing on Monday.
There is no reading homework tonight.
Socials 8-3/8-1 Crescent and the Cross, Part Two
Please use the comment space to record two or three of your observations from the documentary. Sign in with your first name only; do not include your last name.
Wednesday, 12 February 2014
History 12-1: Versailles
Today we debriefed Ex 1-3 in Chap. 2 of DeMarco and then completed and debriefed Ex 4 from the workbook. We also read a map and discussion on the effects of the Versailles Treaty on the boundaries of Germany. For homework, please read pp 33-36 in DeMarco and complete Ex 4-5. Sorry there was so much reading today, unfortunately at the beginning of the course I've not yet had time to get you working on a personal project that will allow for a more independent block.
Socials 10-3: The HBC vs the NW Co
Today we were issued our textbooks and then, in small groups, we evaluated the importance of the attributes of the NW Co's business model and ranked what we saw as the most important strategies for successful competition with the HBC. We also started to read pp 138 - 147. Please finish that for homework and be ready for a short "matching" reading quiz next class. We ended by beginning to look at what we, as partners in the HBC in London, could do to change our business nodel to more effectively complete with the NW Co. We'll continue with that next class.
SS8-2: Crusades Documentary, Part One
Today we watched, recorded notes and discussed the first 40 minutes of the Crescent and the Cross documentary. See yesterday's Socials 8 post for a link. There is no homework.
Tuesday, 11 February 2014
History 12-1: Debriefing the 14 Points
Today I returned your 1919 paragraphs and we discussed how to use the rubrics and self-reflection to improve our writing. You'll find that I talk about writing often at the beginning of the course because it is so key in allowing you to express your ideas effectively in your assignments and tests.
Next we debriefed Ex 3 from Falk. I asked that you read pp 27 - 31 and do the questions in Ex 1-3. Brief notes are all that I require - just make sure they are meaningful to you for discussion and test review. I wish to thank you for your mature and engaged participation today.
Next we debriefed Ex 3 from Falk. I asked that you read pp 27 - 31 and do the questions in Ex 1-3. Brief notes are all that I require - just make sure they are meaningful to you for discussion and test review. I wish to thank you for your mature and engaged participation today.
Socials 10-2: Designing a better HBC
Today we began with a short reading quiz from pp 139-146. This time the marks didn't count so that you could see how the format works. If you didn't do the reading, you're not off the hook; please come to our next class prepared.
We spent the bulk of our time working in groups of four to work on new business plans for the HBC, a company threatened by the competition of the NW Co. Our current economic landscape seems to demand that companies are flexible and able to react to the conditions of the day (or better yet, to anticipate the conditions of tomorrow). Thanks for your group work today - you all worked well and everyone gave a fair effort. We'll finish this up next class: there is no homework.
We spent the bulk of our time working in groups of four to work on new business plans for the HBC, a company threatened by the competition of the NW Co. Our current economic landscape seems to demand that companies are flexible and able to react to the conditions of the day (or better yet, to anticipate the conditions of tomorrow). Thanks for your group work today - you all worked well and everyone gave a fair effort. We'll finish this up next class: there is no homework.
Socials 8-1/8-2: Crescent and the Cross Documentary
Today we watched the BBC documentary "The Crescent and the Cross." We stopped every ten minutes to share our learning and to discuss the main features. Here is the link to the film:
Video: 180 minutes
Here are my sketchnotes:
Section Three got to minute 45 and Section One got to minute 39 (because they also watched the Horrible History). There is no homework unless you still have not handed in your group's castle design work.
Video: 180 minutes
Here are my sketchnotes:
Section Three got to minute 45 and Section One got to minute 39 (because they also watched the Horrible History). There is no homework unless you still have not handed in your group's castle design work.
Thursday, 6 February 2014
History 12-1: 1914 Map of Europe/Wilson's 14 Points (Day 1)

We then began our reading of Exercise Three from the Falk workbook. I reviewed some strategies for doing close readings of "dense" passages. Get those pointer fingers out and don't forget to "mumble read" aloud. I "translated" the preamble and asked you to read the remainder (including completing the questions) for homework.
Socials 10: Debriefing boats and examining NW Co strengths
Today we debriefed the strengths and weakness of York boats and canoes. Here is a review of some of the ideas we discussed:
Next, we looked at some of the characteristics of the business model of the NW Co and then split into groups to rank them in the order of our perceived ranking of importance. Here they were:
We will next try to take the "so-whats" we discovered in that activity to create a new business model for the HBC so that it can beat the NW Co in the battle of the fur trade.
For homework, please come to class with pp 139-146 read so you are ready for a brief reading quiz.
Socials 8-1/8-3: The Crusades
Today we completed the Crusades readings and questions. See yesterday's SS8-2 post for details.
Wednesday, 5 February 2014
Socials 8-2: The Crusades
Today we did an introductory study of the Crusades. I was pleased with the level of independence students showed - there was a good vibe in class today. If you were unable to finish in class, you should do so for homework. Here is a link to the study guide
I collected the Castle Design Projects - there were one or two groups who promised to get their late work in to me tomorrow morning - I hope they follow through.
Next class we get to watch some video!
History 12-1: Intro to the paragraph
Today we came to class with our First World War paragraphs completed; thank you all for being so responsible (this bodes well for our success as a group this semester). Next, we spent time reviewing the paragraph rubric and learning how to analyze writing in order to better self-evaluate our work. Next we looked at a few examples of past student writing and identified what was good and what could be improved. I wanted to give you time to start to re-write in class, but we ran out of time. Please come tomorrow with a "good" copy of today's paragraph AND a completed self-evaluation (rubric).
Remember that writing is a process and it will take time to develop all of the traits that I'm encouraging: be patient and remember to celebrate your successes - the pieces will come to make a satisfying whole before you know it.
Remember that writing is a process and it will take time to develop all of the traits that I'm encouraging: be patient and remember to celebrate your successes - the pieces will come to make a satisfying whole before you know it.
Socials 10-3: Reviewing the fur trade and comparing boats
Today we reviewed the map of Canada as it concerned the HBC and the NW Co. We also handled some trade goods such as ink, nails and lye soap. We took some notes from the PPT and then used the links on yesterday's SS10 class's post to access info on York boats and canoes. We created a table to compare the two and then reviewed our answers. I'll post a copy of our review later since the other class has still to complete this task for their homework.
Tomorrow as HBC partners, we will try to create a business plan to compete with the NW Co who is challenging our monopoly.
There is no homework today and we should have books by tomorrow.
Tomorrow as HBC partners, we will try to create a business plan to compete with the NW Co who is challenging our monopoly.
There is no homework today and we should have books by tomorrow.
Tuesday, 4 February 2014
History 12-1: The First World War: Part 2
Today we reviewed the political elements of the First World War and then examined the nature of the war itself. We only have time for a cursory review as it is expected that students will have an understanding of this war from Socials 11. I understand that in Socials 11 you only really get exposed to the Western Front, but examination of the others now would take time we can't spare away from other topics.
I asked that students attempt their first History 12 paragraph for homework. Please be careful NOT to retell the story of the war. Your job is to use the key vocabulary terms to set the tone for the 1919 Paris Peace Talks by explaining the nature of the politics that got the warring nations to the battlefields, and then describing the nature of this new style war itself. I suggest that you consider using the word "cynicism" somewhere in your conclusion. In the editing stage, ask yourself if a reader would be able to as "so what?" at the end of any of your sentences. He the answer is, "yes," go back and tell the significance of what you've shared in that sentence. Good luck and don't worry if you don't achieve perfection this first time - we're all learning.
I asked that students attempt their first History 12 paragraph for homework. Please be careful NOT to retell the story of the war. Your job is to use the key vocabulary terms to set the tone for the 1919 Paris Peace Talks by explaining the nature of the politics that got the warring nations to the battlefields, and then describing the nature of this new style war itself. I suggest that you consider using the word "cynicism" somewhere in your conclusion. In the editing stage, ask yourself if a reader would be able to as "so what?" at the end of any of your sentences. He the answer is, "yes," go back and tell the significance of what you've shared in that sentence. Good luck and don't worry if you don't achieve perfection this first time - we're all learning.
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Remember, the PPT is available via the Slideshare link on the side tab of the blog. |
Social2 8-1/8-3: Law and Asia in the Middle Ages
Today we switched gears from our investigation of castles, back to a general study of the time. We completed a study guide for pp. 56-61 in the text, including a table that compared the Manor Courts with the Royal Courts and the Church Courts. Here is a link to the questions: Law and Asia
If you were unable to finish in class, you should do so for homework.
Remember that the Castle Design Projects are due Thursday as well.
If you were unable to finish in class, you should do so for homework.
Remember that the Castle Design Projects are due Thursday as well.
Monday, 3 February 2014
Socials 10-2: Intro to the fur trade
Today we had an introductory lesson on the fur trade. We started by getting an orientation to the map of Canada and the area known as the Northwest. We also sited some of the major bays and lakes, noting the importance of rivers as lines of communication in an area that had no roads or railways.
Next we looked at some characteristics of the fur trade as carried out by the HBC and the NW Co. We will do more comparing next class. For homework, I asked that you review the info on the york boat and the canoe, and then complete a simple table showing the pros and cons (or, advantages and disadvantages) of each. Two points in each square would be good.
1. York Boats: Info Page
2. Canoes: Info Page
For more info on the canoe, here is a link to an interactive page on the NW Co
Next we looked at some characteristics of the fur trade as carried out by the HBC and the NW Co. We will do more comparing next class. For homework, I asked that you review the info on the york boat and the canoe, and then complete a simple table showing the pros and cons (or, advantages and disadvantages) of each. Two points in each square would be good.
1. York Boats: Info Page
2. Canoes: Info Page
For more info on the canoe, here is a link to an interactive page on the NW Co
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canot du maitre |
Socials 10-3: Intro to the Metis and the Fur Trade
Today we discussed the geography and other aspects of the fur trade as it related to the HBC and the NW Co. We also created a basic timeline for this topic. We ended by reciting some Cree numbers, something the wintering partners of the NW Co most certainly would have had to do. We don't have a text at present, but I'm working on it. There is no homework for today.
Hist12-1: Intro to the First World War
Today we looked at the beginning of a PowerPoint (PPT) that examined the causes for the First World War. The War is outside of the scope of the course, but we need to do a short review because it (and the treaties that resulted because of it) set up much of what was experienced for the rest of the century.
If you use the link on the sidebar of the blog, you can access all of the PPTs we will be using during the course. Tomorrow we will get our textbook and workbook (really just another text) so there is no homework tonight.
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Click on the link to access the PPTs |
Socials 8-2: The Law and Contact with Asia
Today we switched gears from our investigation of castles, back to a general study of the time. We completed a study guide for pp. 56-61 in the text, including a table that compared the Manor Courts with the Royal Courts and the Church Courts. Here is a link to the questions: Law and Asia
If you were unable to finish in class, you should do so for homework.
Remember that the Castle Design Projects are due Wednesday as well.
If you were unable to finish in class, you should do so for homework.
Remember that the Castle Design Projects are due Wednesday as well.
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